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How to join World

You can enjoy Free/paid Worlds of various genres created by Metaversers. You can also enjoy the private space with your friends and family.

In World...

Only people you invite can enter

​・You can enter, leave and re-enter at any time


​How to join free World

Click [World (Space)] button.

When narrowing down the genre, select one genre from the list beside.

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World with [FREE] on the card is the free World.

Click the World's card which you want to experience.​


If you scroll down the page, [Go in] and [Share Link] button will appear.

When enjoying alone, click the [Go in] button.

Click the play button on the bottom of the space, and start the experience!​

※Google Chrome browser is recommended


When you wan to enjoy with friends and family, invite them from [Share Link] button.


There are 2 methods to invite others​

➀Invite with Email

Click [Send] after entering email addresses of people you want to invite.

An invitation email with a guest link will be sent.


②Invite with link

Click [Copy Link] and send the link to people you want to invite.


If you are the organizer of the World, always enter the space by clicking [Go in] button.​

Click the play button on the bottom of the space, and start the experience!​

※Google Chrome browser is recommended

How to purchase/join paid World

In World...

Only people you invite can enter

​・You can enter, leave and re-enter at any time

​How to purchase 

Click [World (Space)] button.

When narrowing down the genre, select one genre from the list beside.

英語 ワールドボタン.png

World with a price on the card is the paid World.

Click the World's card which you want to experience.​


Scroll down the page and click [Purchase] button.


Click [Use New Credit Card].


After entering the credit card information, click [Confirm and pay].

Please check the purchase confirmation email.


How to join

Click [My page] from the upper right icon.​

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Scroll down the page and click [Your Bookings].

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If you want to enjoy alone, click [Enter Room] button.

Click the play button on the bottom of the space, and start the experience!​

※Google Chrome browser is recommended

英語 enterroom.png

If you want to enjoy with your friends and family, click [Copy URL].

​Send the link to people you want to invite.

英語 copyURL.png

If you are the organizer of the World, always enter the space by clicking [Enter Room] button.​

Click the play button on the bottom of the space, and start the experience!​

※Google Chrome browser is recommended

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